Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Hello health conscious friend! Thank you for checking out my blog. I'm new at this blogging thing so please bear with me! Recently, I've started to cook things from scratch and as healthy as possible, like actually make some of the diet dishes I pin or tear out of magazines :) I 've decided to keep my friends and family in the loop, and hope to pass on some recipes and cooking tips to help other health conscience folks. Think of it as Kathie's virtual cooking show blog! Now I just need to be picked up by a major network ;)

I would consider myself a fad diet-er. South Beach, Cabbage Soup, you name it. And yet, I can never keep a stable weight that I am happy with. I constantly read -- "it's all about moderation" or "healthy eating must be a lifestyle rather than diet". However, I have issues with moderation, but truly believe that learning about food and what it can do for your body can change your lifestyle and eating habits. I don't consider myself overweight, and even if I was 5 or 10 pounds lighter, I could still tell you there parts of my body that I hate... but I am on a journey to get down to a target weight and STAY there. I hope you can find some inspiration in my posts and replicate them in your own kitchen.

Some "house-keeping" notes:
1. I don't really measure or time everything to a T. These are more estimations and can be verified to your liking :)
2. I have a bland-er palate than most, so adding your own condiments may be a must. I consider Ketchup, lemon juice and garlic salt to be my go-tos... (but trying to give up ketchup UGH!)
3. Most all of my recipes are "carb-shy", I don't like the words "carb free" or "carb friendly". This is my happy medium.
4. I believe on treating yourself to one decadent, indulgent dessert once a week. So there will be a few not so light bites.
5. If you ever want me to try and make a recipe, please feel free to email

Hugs & noms,

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